Sunday, October 15, 2017

Campground Living

Currently In: Front Royal, VA
Next Stop: Greenwood, VA
Also Booked: Several locations in North Carolina

By special request (Cate), I have been asked to write a post about our lifestyle at the campgrounds.  We were greeted by the following at Front Royal RV Park:

We drive through a farm each time we go back and forth to this campground!  It's kind of fun.
When we first get to each campground, we stop by the office to register and possibly buy firewood or ice.  They also have bathrooms/showers (for folks who stay in tents) and coin-op laundry.  Most of the offices look similar to the one at Front Royal.

After we check in we drive to our assigned spot and unhitch our Jeep.

Here is a view of our area in Front Royal.  The back end of our rig is in the top row, second from the left.

Here is our campsite up close.  We usually get a picnic table and a fire pit.

We spend the day trying to enjoy the local area, but of course we have daily living chores as well.  Plus, always something on the rig that needs attention - this week Johnny needed to replace a headlight bulb on the RV.  While we eat breakfast at the RV, I have packed several picnic lunches.  For dinner we have cooked, grilled, eaten with friends and sampled the local cuisine.  If we get back to the campground in enough time (and weather permitting), we try to enjoy a fire - just like home with the neighbors! Minus s'mores.  Also, I love seeing all the stars at night.  We couldn't get that at home since the city lights were so close.

Finally, at the Keefe campsite we attend Mass on the weekends.  So far, I have been able to find churches fairly close to where we are staying.  I really love worshiping in community and feeling a connection with my fellow Catholics.
While Mass is the same, each parish has its own character.  Yesterday we went to St. John the Baptist in Front Royal.   On a Saturday night, many of the men were in suits and many women wore skirts. There were 8 altar boys (no girls) in the black and white robes I remember from the 60's.  They used the communion rail and the altar boys held the patten as we all received the Eucharist by mouth. Many people knelt to receive - Johnny commented that he might not be able to stand up again, so we stood to receive.  This parish also has a Latin Mass on Sunday.  A bit different from the parishes we have attended so far, but quite interesting.
Another cool thing is that each parish has had some sort of Fatima Centennial Celebration.   I'm sorry that I missed ours at St. Joe's, but prayed the Rosary for you all!

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