Friday, November 10, 2017

Rain, rain go away

Currently in: Charleston, SC
Next Up: Savannah, GA on our way to Florida for December

Once we left OBX, we stopped in Fayetteville, NC for a couple of days on our way to Charleston.  We were only there for 2 days, but it rained essentially the whole time - including the day we left.   Undoing the hook-ups and getting the car attached to the RV is challenging enough in dry weather, much less a cold rain.  But we did it!

The rain did give us an opportunity to catch up on the regular household stuff: laundry, paperwork, shopping and a little organizing.  Plus, I finally got the Instant Pot out and cooked in it for the first time on the road!

The honey chicken was delicious and quick-  ready to eat in 30 minutes.  And easy clean up which is so helpful in the RV.

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