Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thankful for our Blessings

Currently in : St. Augustine, FL
Will be in Florida all of December

Happy Thanksgiving to all!  I hope you enjoyed a blessed day.
We are most grateful for our friends and family and the opportunity to see this wonderful country of ours along with meeting people from all the places we visit.

Johnny and I woke up to this today:

It rained all last night and most of the day today.  I guess we're thankful for the rain!

Although we usually spend the day with family, since we are on our own this year we decided to reach out to others.  I called a few organizations in St. Augustine and found a group that was serving Thanksgiving dinner to anyone who wanted a hot meal.  The tables were set and looked nice

Johnny helped guests get their food, while I was on the line.


We met some wonderful people including a few volunteers from Chicago.  We even got a couple of invitations to join people at their homes for Thanksgiving after this event was over.  So nice!

We got back to the RV in the early afternoon and it was time for turkey

And football!

I made the turkey in the Instant Pot in 45 minutes.  We had most of the traditional side dishes, but I cheated a lot and bought most of it.

We then walked down to the clubhouse where they were serving pie and ice cream.  We met some of our fellow Rvers and had a nice time.

We certainly had a memorable Thanksgiving!

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