Sunday, December 17, 2017

Neighborhood Christmas Party

Currently In: Clewiston, FL
We will be in Florida until mid January; then on to Biloxi, MS

So we stopped in Clewiston before we move on to Marathon Key for Christmas.  Truth be told, there is not much to do in this part of Florida.  Which is just fine because we need a bit of a break from all the touring.  Plus, we lucked into a fabulous RV park.

One thing we have been missing on our travels is friends and family.  We are never in one place long enough to get to know people.  We have met some wonderful folks and shared conversation or maybe an evening by a campfire, but then either they leave or we leave.  Here at the Crooked Hook RV park, we have been around more and gotten to know people a little better.

When we saw this on our drive in, we knew we were in the right place.

The Tiki Bar!  Much of the social activity happens here.  We've been to a couple of cook outs and watched some football too.  On Friday night there was karaoke and a bonfire.  It's run completely by the permanent residents so they serve one kind of beer - Bud Light - $1 each 10 oz. cup.  If you want anything else, it's BYOB.

This decoration on the ceiling makes me laugh.  It's all about gators here in South Florida.

As some of you know, we attended or hosted the Elm Street Christmas party every year.  One of the highlights of our Christmas in Downers Grove.  Last night we went to the RV version of the neighborhood Christmas party.  This one had a live band.

Many long term residents have golf carts to get around the RV park more easily.  Today they had a Christmas parade to collect toys and non-perishibles.  It's corny fun.  Remember - most of these folks are in their 70's and 80's.

Here comes Santa Claus!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!  We miss you!!!

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