Saturday, January 6, 2018

Our igloo

Currently in chilly Lake City, FL
Heading to Panhandle today
Will be in Gulf Coast and New Orleans soon!

On our way from Siesta Key to Lake City, we decided to have our coach weighed to make sure we were not overloaded and putting too much pressure on chassis and the tires.  Turns out, we can buy more stuff!!
But it is a relief to know that, while we need to have our suspension realigned, our belongings are pretty well balanced in our coach.

Luckily, the snow that Lake City got on Wednesday had melted by the time we got there on Thursday.  Unluckily, the cold is still here.  We filled out fresh water tank and unhooked our hose for city water so we wouldn't have to deal with frozen hoses/pipes.  It worked!
It got down to 23 on Thursday night and 29 on Friday night.  We had our electric heat and propane heat on.  We had the fireplace (which acts as a space heater) on as well.  Still woke up to a coach at 55 degrees.  So, we sat in front of the fire with coffee and blankets to get warm before we left for breakfast and some heat!

A walk through historic Lake City was on the docket, but decided to take a drive instead.  Unfortunately,  historic Lake City has seen some better days.  Much of the retail storefronts were empty and the homes around the downtown were dilapidated.  Bummer.
I was looking forward to a short walk through the state park, but decided we better keep an eye on the coach (to make sure it warmed up) so opted for a walk around the RV park.  In our winter coats.  In Florida.
Not to worry about the alligators on the RV park property.  Too cold for them today.

But they offered a free breakfast on Saturday morning, so we took advantage of that before hitting the road again.

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