Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wintry Mix

Quick update from NOLA

New Orleans was part of the storm that rolled through the south last night.  Due to the low temperatures and wintry mix that included sleet and ice, schools and government offices are closed today.  Many highways are closed and everyone is staying inside.  I heard on the news that this is historic cold weather for the Gulf Coast and Florida Panhandle.  Awesome!

That's ice on the road, folks.

One side of our rig is covered in ice, too, but it's so sunny today that I couldn't get a good pic.
Although we didn't hook our water hose up and we ran our heater and space heaters all night, we ended up with no water this morning.  We think the line from our fresh water tank has frozen somewhere.  So we moved our space heater down there and hope to thaw it out soon.

Luckily, there is a restaurant on the premises here since we can't drive anywhere.  So off to breakfast, wait for the heat to work, and hopefully all will be well!

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