Thursday, February 8, 2018

Art in Harlingen

Currently in San Antonio
Heading West!

The art work in Harlingen is on the sides of buildings!  Some of the most beautiful murals I have ever seen.  We saw at least 20 of them, although there are dozens inside and outside of buildings.  The town is very proud of the murals.

This is a mural installation that shows the history of Mexico in murals, although they almost look like mosaics.  The art was originally in Los Angeles at the California Museum of Science and Industry but is now permanently in Harlingen. It's not only beautiful to look at, but tells the story of Mexico from a unique perspective.

Finally, the Marine Military Academy is located about a mile from our RV park.  It is a boarding school for young high school men.  There is a museum where we watched a video about Iwo Jima and looked at some other artifacts.  The statue below is the original plaster model of the bronze statue at Arlington National Cemetery in DC.
One of the soldiers in the statue, who died during the battle, was from the lower Rio Grande Valley.  The marines were raising the flag high enough so all the soldiers on the island could see it and stay motivated through the long and bloody battle.

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