Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Bikes and hike

Currently in: Cedar Creek, Texas (outside of Austin)
Next up: Big Bend National Park (Texas)
We will then be in Las Cruces, NM heading to Tuscon, Phoenix and Cottonwood, AZ in March

We are experiencing the same unpredictable weather in Austin that we had in San Antonio.  We thought we chose a sunny afternoon for a bike ride around a wonderful trail on Lady Bird Lake.  But it was cloudy while we were there.  The trail was pretty busy with walkers, runner and bikers.  There are several nice views of Austin from the bike trail.
Even on a cloudy day, the water and the city were nice to look at.

Part of the trail is on a pedestrian bridge. It was fun trying to ride up that bridge!

That night we were able to have a campfire at the campground for the first time since November!  There has either been a fire ban or it has been too cold to sit outside for the last 3 months.    It was wonderful to be able to enjoy this part of our Rv life.

We invited the couple in the RV next to our to join us at the park's communal fire pit.  They were from Michigan and it turns out that Karl was a crane operator at the Burn Harbor, IN plant of Bethlehem Steel!  Beth is now part of ArcelorMittal, the company that I retired from.  At some point the conversation naturally turned to sports and we discovered that Karl and BJ are Jeff Samardzija's grandparents.  They are not ND fans, but were chatty about his current MLB career as he is currently pitching for the SF Giants.  Small world again!

Johnny talked me into hiking at the McKinney Rough Nature Park.  The weather wasn't great, but I went.  I thought it was going to be a nice nature walk, but it turned into a great hike.  And then the sun came out!!  Look what we saw within a minute of driving into the park:

I liked how the sun shone through the trees here.   Much of the terrain was this red clay.

When the hike was over we were back at the visitor's center and realized the campus is used for youth education of both the outdoors, survival training and teamwork.  The facility was beautiful and included dorms for sleeping.  Outdoor Ed, maybe??
I also saw this and it freaked me out!  I haven't seen one of these in quite a while.  Do kids know how to use this?

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