Thursday, March 22, 2018

Sunny Days

Leaving for Cottonwood, AZ today
Heading to Cali in early April

We have and beautiful weather in Phoenix!  The sun has been out every day.
We have been in Phoenix a while, but have spent much of the time visiting with family and friends, including a trip home to the Chicago area for me.

Before I took off, we were able to catch a White Sox spring training game at the Brewers ball park.  Our White Sox are going to struggle this year, folks.  But we had a good time at the ball park including watching the Sausage Race.

I celebrated St. Paddy's Day and my sister Jamie's birthday while I was at home.  Plus, I got in a nice visit with my mother.  Johnny visited with friends while I was gone.

Once I returned, we got in one hike in the backyard of our friends, Greg and Joan Christenson.  We got to the other side of the small mountain and Johnny showed me an owl sitting on its next in a saguaro cactus.  It was so cool.  You can't really see it in the photo, but I got a good look with the binos.
The trail behind their house

Looking over the houses from the hill

Owl nest at the base of the arms
We also walked around Old Town Scottsdale one afternoon.  It's so quaint!
We enjoyed the 5th avenue shopping area where these historical markers are in the sidewalk.
We walked along the street that has the historical adobe Mission and the Blacksmith shop.

I enjoyed a couple of the sculptures placed around the Old Town.
Bronze Horse Fountain
Elk Woman - "Blessings to All"

Johnny and I visited with many friends who are local to the Phoenix area.
Maria and Brad

The Hitzman clan at Joan and Greg's
Doris and Rey
Doris and Rey Martinez took us to a restaurant in Scottsdale called "Cien Agaves".  Tequila is made from the blue Agave and this restaurant has 100 (Cien) kinds of tequila.  That's a lot of tequila.  
Or, ta kill ya.
100 tequila bottles lined up across the bar

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