Friday, July 20, 2018

Rocky Mountain High!

Currently In: Woodland Park, CO
Next Up: Southern Colorado and New Mexico

Full Disclosure: I have been working on this post for a couple of days and the website is not cooperating with me! I apologize if some of the pictures and comments are not well placed.

While the Stauder family was visiting in Loveland we did a couple of hikes and took in some views in Rocky Mountain National Park.

We did a short hike around Estes Park to get warmed up.

Then we took a beautiful hike around Lily Lake in the National Park.
The trail was pretty easy.

There were some beautiful views.
 We ran into this little family!
As well as this one.
Now for a real hike- Bear Lake.

Lots of rock climbing on the path.

And lovely scenery.
But the clouds started to roll in!
And before we knew it - a downpour - so we ran to a shelter where NPS Rangers were helping people and traffic.  These types of showers are quite common in Rocky Mountain NP due to "mountain weather".
We visited the Moraine Park Discovery Center which used to be a lodge and dining hall before the NPS bought it.  You can still see pieces of the lodge amongst the nature exhibits.  I love the view out the large windows.

On our drive back to the campground that day, we finally saw the larger wildlife we had been looking for.  Right on the side of the highway!
Big Horn Sheep

Quite frankly, we have seen so many deer this summer, I've stopped taking pictures, but the Stauder boys were excited about this one.

The next trip into the Park was a scenic drive along the Trail Ridge Road.  It is the highest continuous paved highway in the USA.   Our first stop was Many Parks Curve.  More hiking and climbing!

We saw some beautiful views of the mountain peaks.
Long's Peak

Twin Sisters
When we stopped at Rainbow Curve, we got to see Horseshoe Park.  I like Long Lake in the left photo and McGregor Mountain (among others) in the far right of the other photo.

At the Forest Canyon lookout we saw glaciers in the subalpine! 

We stopped at Lava Cliffs, too.  Saw the subalpine lupine flower here even at 12,183 feet - the highest point on the road.  And more glaciers, but these were close up.

Walking on snow in July!

Last stop was Gore Range at the western edge of the Forest Canyon.

It wasn't all about nature.  After the Trail Ridge Road drive - we came back to a party at the RV park!   I love that steel guitar!

After the Stauders left for Denver, Johnny and I did one last hike in the Wild Basin area of the National Park.  We had to drive the Jeep on a dirt road for about 5 miles to get to the trailhead.  The trail wasn't too steep, but rocky.

We saw the beautiful Copeland Falls.

As well as the Calypso Cascade.
How about this interesting sign on the way back to the car!  Llamas????
The Saint Malo Chapel can be seen from the National Park road.  It was closed when we got there, so we couldn't tour it.  But the building is beautiful.
There is a thriving craft beer industry in Ft. Collins/Loveland.  We couldn't leave without checking out at least one of them! The Big Beaver Brewing Company is in an industrial complex, but still has a back patio.  I thought the sculpture made from beer cans was priceless!

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