Sunday, August 5, 2018

A Taste of Home

Currently In:  Bayfield, CO
We will be in New Mexico in late August/early September

In May of 2017 Johnny and I attended an RV rally in Tennessee to learn how to live and travel full time in our new home.  It was there that we met Mark and Lauree Cunningham as well as Tim and Jenny Schroeder. The 6 of us had dinner in San Antonio this past February, and we were able to meet up again recently in South Fork, CO for a week.

The first night we were in South Fork we hung out with Lauree and Mark.
The next night we went to Tim and Jenny's place.  There was a beautiful full moon that night.

During the week we were introduced to some of the Cunningham's friends from Texas.  Such great people.  This is part of RVing that we hadn't really experienced on the road yet!

One evening we had some folks to our place for an Italian Beef dinner - a taste of home.  My sister Jamie brought some frozen Portillo's beef from Downers Grove when she met us in Loveland.  Many people in other parts of the country are unaware of the delight of a good Beef, poor things.   We served the sandwiches complete with peppers, mozzarella and giardiniera.

Well, everyone enjoyed a sandwich except Willa.  But she helped take the pictures!
Our next door neighbors Lowell and his son Greg were abel to join us.  We really enjoyed them.
Because of all the rain from the monsoon season in Colorado, all of the fire bans were lifted.  We ended the evening with a perfect campfire.

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