Friday, February 22, 2019


Leaving Rio Grande Valley next week
Heading to Austin and then the Texas Hill Country

We traveled with our friends Tim and Jenny from Alpine, TX to Del Rio, Texas.  Since there were 2 RVs, we called it a caravan.
But first we had to hook up in the rain!  Yuck - only the 2nd or 3rd time in the last 18 months we've had to do that.  No fun.
We stopped in Marathon, TX to look around the famous Gage Hotel.  A young rancher named Alfred Gage commissioned the building of the hotel in 1927.  The architect, Henry Trost, also designed the Holland Hotel in Alpine that we visited earlier.
The lobby was inviting.
Including the cozy fireplace.
The furniture has interesting carvings.

This is a sitting room right next to the lobby.
Time to hit the road again!

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