Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Law West of the Pecos

Currently In:  Mercedes, TX in the Rio Grande Valley
Heading to Central Texas next week

Our first full day in the Del Rio area was sunny and warm!  Perfect for touring the Visitor Center in  Langtry, TX, home of legendary Judge Roy Bean known as the "law west of the Pecos".

Langtry was first a railroad town developed around the joining of transcontinental tracks of the Southern Pacific's Sunset Route in 1883.  The route started in New Orleans and ended in San Francisco, crossing the Pecos River.  But it was truly the Wild West.

Roy Bean built his home here, known as the Opera House, Town Hall, and seat of Justice.  He was hoping his idol, actress Miss Lillie Langtry, would perform here someday.  An Opera House, it was not.
Roy Bean also had a saloon known at the Jersey Lily, named after the object of his admiration.  By the way, he never met her.
We walked around inside to see the bar and the room where folks gathered.  (That's Jenny with Johnny there).
Tim and Jenny playing make believe.  Did they have shades like that in 1887?
We took a quick look around the Botanical Garden at the Visitor Center.
We had seen many of these desert plants on our travels, but these two were new to me.
Texas Pistachio
Strawberry Cactus

We left the Visitor Center to take a look at the Pecos River and the Eagle Next Canyon.  When we got to the turn, we saw this sign.  Gotta go the right way!
 The Pecos River Bridge is 1310 feet long.
And about 273 ft. above the Pecos River.  We crossed the bridge on our way to the Del Rio campground the previous day, much like the RV below.
The views of Eagle Nest Canyon are gorgeous.
We drove to a lower spot right on the river and Johnny took these photos of the canyon.

The following day we toured the Val Verde Winery in Del Rios.
We usually find the oldest bar in a location, but this time we found the oldest bonded winery in Texas dating back to 1883.
The descendants of the founder, Frank Qualia, are still running the business.  The vineyards are in the backyard.
We stepped inside where they display some of the antique presses and other winemaking items.
And of course we enjoyed an extensive wine tasting!
While in Del Rio, we enjoyed a "Texas" dinner prepared by Jenny and Tim, complete with cornbread!  We plan to see our friends again in the Hill Country.

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