Monday, April 15, 2019

Back in rye toast country

Currently in: Quincy, IL
Next Stop: HOME!

On our drive up from Missouri I saw a sign that made me a little emotional.
We have taken the opportunity to visit with family while here.  My Aunt Judy and several of her children, grandchildren and a new great granddaughter live here.  We visited the Lawless clan at my cousin Amy's home, but I only snapped this one photo. Just too busy enjoying myself to get the phone out!
The next day we woke up to this!  Did we come north too soon?  It's April, for goodness sake.
Since we couldn't really go touring, it was the perfect opportunity to start fixing things, cleaning out and cleaning up the RV so we are ready to move on when we get home.
My cousin Tim and his wife Melissa invited us to their home for a delicious ham dinner.  We enjoyed spending the evening with them.
We've done a pretty good job emptying out the fridge before we get home.  So more restaurants the next couple of days.
At breakfast this morning, we realized we have left the land of "biscuits" and Johnny could, once again, enjoy rye toast with his eggs.  He's been missing that.

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