Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Full Disclosure

Leaving for Portland, ME tomorrow!

Are you thinking that Johnny and I are just having fun all the time?  Well, let me give you some insight into the not-so-glamorous and some of the challenging things from the road.

1.  Truck Stops - we have to get in line with all the 18 wheelers to fill our motorhome with diesel fuel.  They don't appreciate us being there and are not afraid to show or tell us!
2.  Sitting in a camp shower in Chautauqua, NY waiting for Garnier 63.5 (light golden brown) to work its magic on my gray roots.
3.  Coordinating with 3 suppliers (Directv, Winnebago and the antenna manufacturer) to figure out why we can't get our satellite receivers to work.  We are missing our sports! We can get over the air antenna in bigger cities, but not the Bears games.  Yet.
4.  Our inverter is not charging our coach batteries correctly.  Most things run on electric, but the lights run on coach batteries so we turn them on as little as possible.  While this might sound romantic to some, when you already can't see well, it's just a pain.  Hope to resolve this in Portland.
5.  The Boston area is very popular for RV parks over the Columbus Day weekend.  We can't find any place to stay Saturday night that's on our route.  We are going to wing it - part of the adventure, right?

All in all, these things are pretty minor.   I love what we're doing and we are having a blast - I feel very blessed.  But I want to share some of the craziness too.  Part of the journey is figuring all of this out!

More pictures in the next post!

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