Friday, September 29, 2017

Hot Vermont!

Next Stops: Portland, ME (we are there now), Massachusetts, outside Philly

Vermont experienced some cooler weather earlier in the month, but by late September it was back to summer, like other parts of the country.  One resident told us they hadn't experienced this type of heat in late September in the Manchester area since 1937.  Unfortunately, the weather slowed the process of leaves changing color. Lots of trees are still green, but also still beautiful.
So the Keefes sally forth!
Our first night we went to Ye Olde Tavern that dates back to 1790.  It had many lives as various hotels, but was fully restored in 1976 and opened as a restaurant.  As you can see, the outside was really cool, including the coach house in the back.  I didn't take any photos of the inside (people were eating for goodness sake), but there were many small rooms, creaky wood floors and some original artwork.  The atmosphere was definitely Colonial America. And the food was good!

The following morning we opted for an early morning hike to the Lye Brook Falls in the Green Mountains.  4.6 miles round trip.  This was no nature walk, people.  This was a real hike.  Gorgeous.
We climbed on and over rocks and crossed a couple of streams.
This photo reminds me of the Avenue at Saint Mary's College.
We finally made it to the Falls.  Worth every step.
I loved the way the sun hit the forest here.
It has been 4 days and we are still recovering from this one!  The Hiking Girls would be so proud.

The following day we went to Hildene, the summer home of Robert Todd Lincoln (Abe's son).  It reignited my childhood interest in our 16th President and his family.  The last direct decedent passed away in 1975, so the community of Manchester VT has taken over fundraising and management of the huge property which includes the home, gardens, and a small working farm with 12 miles of trails.  Quite impressive!  I loved the gardens.

Robert Todd Lincoln was President of the Pullman company so there is a restored Pullman car on the property.
 I thought the stained glass was particularly breathtaking.
Off one of the trails, but not part of the grounds, is a stone silo that predates Vermont as a state.  Old stuff is cool cause it's old.
After we finished touring Hildene, we took the Jeep to the top of Mount Equinox to get a 200 mile view.  Johnny snapped this photo.  I can't get over Nature.
So, a bit disappointed that we didn't see more evidence of Autumn but still awestruck at the wonder of our country.


  1. Hey Legs! Enjoying the blog. Keep it up! Bad Gas. Oh and Lucky says hey!

  2. Glad you are enjoying reading about our journey. Mrs. Legs has created all of the posts so far, but I will get him to write one or two of them soon!
