Wednesday, September 20, 2017

There's a first time for everything

So we had several road "firsts" while we were in Cleveland:

1.  First stay in a county campground
2.  First visitor (our son Michael doesn't count - he had to visit!)
3.  First sewer disaster - it could have been worse
4.  First Sunday Mass on the road
5.  First bike ride
6.  First National Park
7.  First bike ride in a National Park!
8.  First surprise visitor

We stayed at the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds in Berea to be close to work for Michael.  Had several good meals with him (and watched the Browns lose their first road game of 2017).

Our very first visitor on the road was my college friend Monica Graffeo.  She drove from Granville, OH to take the grand tour of our new home.  Thank you Monica!

I don't have any pics of the sewer disaster, but I did snap a quick one of the beautiful bell tower at St. Bart's in Middleburg Heights just down the road from the Fairgrounds.

We decided to stay an extra day at the Fairgrounds and that gave us the opportunity to visit the Cuyahoga National Park. The bike ride (thank you Kevin and Marianne for helping us get our bike rack on the car!) along the Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath trail was so cool.  The day was just perfect and I was able to live in the moment and enjoy!

Johnny's love of history kicked in and we learned how crucial the canals were to transportation in the 1800's.  Eventually the railroads were built right next to the canals and took over as the main mode of  transportation.  Train Station in Peninsula, Ohio below.

That afternoon we visited Johnny's aunt, Sr. Margaret, who is a Notre Dame sister.   I love the first line on the wall behind Johnny and Sister - "We witness God's Goodness"

Finally, as we were getting ready to leave Cleveland on Tuesday morning, we got a text that my cousin Terry Uhl was close by - a surprise visitor!  He took a quick tour of our home and bid us farewell.

We are now headed toward upstate New York where you will hear from me soon.

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