Thursday, June 7, 2018

City of Roses

Currently In: Seattle/Tacoma area
Next Up: Glacier, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Rocky Mountain National Parks

When you think of Portland you think of ....traffic!  We planned our time for the weekend thinking there would be fewer cars, and there were.  But still traffic - almost as much as the Chicago area.  Johnny says in downtown (Pioneer Courthouse Square) there is a lane for everything but cars!
The nice thing about the traffic is that it gave us the opportunity to check out the neighborhoods and some pretty cool houses.

Lots to do in Portland.  Here are some of our highlights.

Urban hike in Forest Park on the Wildwood Trail.  Including the Stone House (there was no sign describing its origins, but it was interesting).

Portland Saturday Market.  Food, music, and art.

Bird Feeders made from china tea cups

Coat hooks made from water spigot handle
And great people watching.  Everybody does their own thing!

I saw these t-shirts at the market and think this is how Portlanders see themselves!

Voo-doo Doughnuts, of course.

Riverwalk on a sunny day!

Huber's  - the oldest restaurant in Portland - and their Spanish Coffee!

That's flame (and rum) in that glass!

Japanese Garden is unique!  It was very peaceful.
Bonzai Garden
Koi pond

Stone and Sand Garden
Portland's annual Rose Festival is this week.  The Rose Garden was in full bloom!

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