Friday, June 29, 2018

Going to the Sun

Currently In: Island Park, ID  (outside Yellowstone National Park)
Next Up: Grand Teton NP, Colorado for most of July, New Mexico

It is a rainy day here in Island Park so I'm taking the opportunity to catch up on my blog posting.  After Michael left, Johnny and I took a couple of more interesting hikes in Glacier.

We were bummed that the Going to the Sun road was not open all the way through the Park on Friday as we were told, so we decided to hike the trail to Avalanche Lake.  It was crowded!
Here was the lunch spot that day...
 The lake was very peaceful and the views were great!

The hike itself wasn't particularly unique, except for several places where there was an abundance of trees that were down very near the path.  It didn't look like fire, but we weren't sure what happened.
We were almost back to our car when a downpour started!  After waiting it out under some trees we had to make a run for it.  Drenched!
Logan Pass was in the plan for our last full day in the Glacier area.  Going to the Sun road was completely open and there was no rain in the forecast.  I was excited!
We drove by the Haystack Falls (water crossing stair step rocks) and the Weeping Wall (lots of waterfalls splashing onto the road), but I didn't have time to snap a photo on the narrow road.
When we got to Logan Pass I was so disappointed.  The Hidden Lake Trail was covered in snow and there was an incredible amount of fog.   My wooden walking stick just wouldn't do any longer.  I broke down and got hiking poles.
The trailhead and just beyond.  Can't see a thing.  The trail is right behind Johnny.  Or is it????

Eventually we could see some people and a good part of the trail.  It was challenging!

About half way into the hike some of the fog cleared and we got a view!

There was something special about seeing the mountains through the fog.

But once we got to the overlook, the Lake was still Hidden.
Here is the trail on the way back.  I guess the fog just didn't want to burn off!
We decided to drive the rest of the Going to the Sun road up to Jackson Galcier, where we had been the other day coming in from the other side.  And I'm glad we did.  It was clear and we were truly going to the sun!
There was a wall of fog between Logan Pass and Siyeh Bend.  It was crazy!
I thought the creek breaking through the snow was really cool.
That ended our time in Glacier NP.  Lots of good memories from our brief stay here.

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