Saturday, December 29, 2018

Arizona Christmas City

Currently In:  Phoenix, AZ
Up Next: Tucson, AZ then El Paso, Alpine, Del Rio and Mercedes, TX

Yesterday we drove a little over an hour north to Prescott, AZ known as the "Arizona Christmas City".  Our first stop was the display of Gingerbread houses at the Prescott Resort.
This is a wonderful community event with houses built by schools, families and businesses.  We saw displays that ranged from simple to others that were more detailed to some that looked professional!  The two concepts below were so creative, although the trim is falling off the suitcase!

The detail on these houses was incredible.

It's all in the execution here.
This cute little campground scene holds a special place in my heart.
Once we got to the historic part of Prescott, we took a look at the historic Hassayampa Inn built in 1927.  Most of the building in historic downtown are on the National Register of Historic Places, but I was especially interested in this hotel.
The hotel was restored in 1985 and the results are fantastic.  In addition to the architecture, the fireplace, hand painted ceiling and other artwork make the lobby really special.

This beautiful staircase leads to the guest rooms.
This stairway leads to the cozy bar with some great artwork.  The door is etched glass and the piece hanging on the right of the door is a mosaic of the hotel.

Then we headed outdoors with our winter coats on  - it was sometimes sunny and 35.  First we checked out Courthouse Plaza.  This courthouse dates back to 1916, but the original territorial courthouse was built in 1878 when Prescott served as the capital for the entire Arizona Territory.
This sculpture represents the Rough Riders and was created by America's first cowboy sculptor, Solon Borglum, in 1907.
One unique attraction in the Plaza is the history of the county painted on the sidewalk.  Very proud people here.
Very proud of their rodeo history, too.  We saw this building from the Plaza.
Next stop: Whiskey Row - a row of saloons along one side of Courthouse Plaza.  This building houses The Palace Saloon, the oldest frontier saloon in Arizona, from 1877.
Oh, what the heck, let's stop in for a beer.
The oak and cherry bar is original.  Notice the tin ceiling, too!
As this whole area is very touristy, many of the staff are in costume.
The saloon patrons could lock valuables in this original Diebold safe, especially when they visited the ladies upstairs.
We saw tributes to the Prescott 19, the firefighters from this town that lost their lives in the Yarnell Fire of 2013, all over the town.  Here is the one at the Palace Saloon.
In addition to all of the historic buildings, there are several historic homes just a block away from Courthouse Plaza in an area called Nob Hill.  We drove around to look at many of the Victorian and Queen Anne style homes.  The Marks House, below, was built in 1894.  The real estate developer would only sell Mr. Marks the "lowest lot" at the bottom of the hill since Mr. Marks was a liquor wholesaler.
At this point we were hungry!  We tried this very popular Italian restaurant.  I loved the sign hanging in our dining room - "A bit of Italy in the Pines". It was delicious!
When we stepped back outside the Plaza was lit up for Christmas.
Finally, on our way out of town, we took a look at the Valley of the Lights.  I just love Christmas lights!

Monday, December 24, 2018

'Tis the Season

Phoenix, AZ
Heading to Tucson in mid January, then in El Paso, TX on our way to Rio Grand Valley

It's Christmas - even in the desert.
Although not many people have decorated their rigs, the RV Park did look festive.
And there was a Christmas Parade!
Folks decorated their golf carts
And ATVs

These people decorated their Mazda!
All the floats (and parade watchers) reunited for some treats.
Earlier that day, Johnny and I continued our tradition of Christmas shopping and lunch together.  There are 2 Portillo's restaurants in Phoenix. Delicious!
Now, the challenge - how do you wrap gifts in a 300 sq. foot home?  We put on some Christmas music, lit a frasier pine candle and got started.
I took the bedroom.

 Johnny took the living room.

 We closed the door - no peeking!
Final results under the Charlie Brown tree!
We will be enjoying Christmas at Joan and Greg's - they are our Arizona family!
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 21, 2018


Currently In: Phoenix, AZ until January 15
Next up: Tucson on our way to Texas

We drove down to San Tan, AZ to take a tour of an olive mill.
Johnny's friend Teri Hay works there and met us for a few minutes.
We decided to take the tour and learn a little about how olive oil is processed.
Calista, our tour guide, gave us all kinds of information about Queen Creek Olive Mill as well as the process of making olive oil.
There are over 100 acres that were originally planted with 800 trees in 1998.  They now have over 7,000 trees on the property.

This is a stone mill that was brought over from Italy.  It was never operational at Queen Creek, but is a reminder of their roots.
We could not tour the processing plant because it was operational while we were there, but I liked this sign posted on the plant gate.  Apparently, the cat named Olive roams around the place.
There is a specific process to tasting olive oil, the next stop on the tour.  First, you warm it up by holding the small cup between your hands to release all of the flavor.
Then you smell it before bottoms up!
Calista finished our class by explaining the different types of olive oil classifications.  Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the least acidic and meets other chemical and sensory standards.  Calista also promoted the different flavors sold in the gift shop!
From the Olive Mill we headed to Chandler to meet Johnny's nephew Jamie, who was in town on business.  The local Irish bar, of course.
We were in the historic part of Chandler, so the bar was in the Dougherty Building which was built in 1914.  You could see the old ceiling as well as the stone walls.
I enjoyed some of their unique Christmas decorations.

We met some really fun people - Bill, Jennifer and Danette - from Chandler.
And of course Jamie Baumgartner!
On our way back to the car we checked out the Christmas Tree in the square.  Our new friend Bill told us it is made up of tumble weeds!