Sunday, December 16, 2018

Hanging Out

Still in Phoenix!

We have been hanging out at the RV Park as we continue to figure out where to sell our RV and where we are going to live when we return to the Chicago area.

There are more activities here than any other place we have stayed - I won't say camped because it doesn't feel like camping here.

Pickle Ball (we haven't tried this yet)

Bocce ball
I've been able to get back into my old workout habit on the bike.
We went to a jam session one night where folks in the park get together and play mostly old country and folk music.
There was some singing too!
The next night we went to a dance.  With a live band, no less.
One day we took a short hike behind the Park - there are a couple of paths and some weird things to look at.
What is a school bus doing in the desert?  Some of the garbage laying around were newspapers from 1992.
Then there were a couple of "ruins" that looked like picnic areas complete with stone barbecues  hinting that at one point this may have been a park.

We saw some really big saguaros.
And this interesting bush that I later decided was Prairie Acacia.
On our walk back to the RV Park we heard the coyotes howling to each other.  Kinda creepy.
Also, in the back left of the photo below you can see the tops of some buildings.  We thought it was a warehouse until we took a drive back one day and discovered it was a medium security prison.  We thought it best not to take a photo from the gate...but it's there.
Although most folks at this Park have not decorated for Christmas, the office has done a nice job decking the halls.  My favorite scene is in the lobby.

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