Tuesday, December 11, 2018

All that glitters

In Phoenix

We're getting into the  Christmas Spirit even though there's no snow and we're in the desert.  First, we spent about 20 minutes decorating the RV.  Some things from last year.

This Nativity scene is from the Market in San Antonio and the ocotillo from the Mexican town of Boquillas that we visited while in Big Bend National Park.  New additions to our RV holiday scenery.
Johnny got the outside done too.
The town of Glendale decorates the historic part of their town so we took a drive to check it out.
1.5 million lights trim the trees around the plaza so they call it Glendale Glitters.  And it's not cold! So fun to walk around.

The red, white and blue tree near the flag (at half staff honoring our deceased president) was one of my favorites.
This tree in red and green was also nice.
I took this shot earlier in the night, but love the lights into the palms.
I have my eye on a couple of other light displays in the area, so check back for more Christmas blog posts!

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