Friday, April 6, 2018

An Untraditional Easter

Currently in Desert Springs
Working our way up California during April/May

We spent Easter with our friends doing some traditional and some untraditional things.
After Mass the kids found their Easter baskets that were hidden in our coach.
This was followed by an Easter egg hunt.  Not quite as good as the ones on Elm, but close!

Then, naturally, we had to fit in a game of Bocce ball.

The champs (with their cheering section)!
East Dinner?  The traditional Easter fajita, of course!
After dinner - Game Night!  Spoons or Tenzi?
Spoons won out! We had played Tenzi another nite when Caden was crowned champ.  Dan the big winner here.
Our friends left the day after Easter.  We sure miss them but we had great weather and so much fun when they visited us in Arizona.

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