Thursday, April 12, 2018

Our LA famiy

Currently in: Redlands, CA
Leaving for Death Valley National park tomorrow - we are actually staying in the Park! -no wifi or cell service there
Then will be near Carmel-by- the -Sea/Monterey, Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, and Northern California
Late May we will be in Crater Lake, OR and Portland as we make our way up to Seattle/Tacoma area

It may seem kind of random that we chose Redlands, CA as a stop on our adventure.  Other than being somewhat close to some of Johnny's family members, we needed to have the 4 year maintenance work done on our RV.   There is a Freightliner dealer close by, so we chose Redlands.  Up at 5:30 to get in line at 6:30 in order to get it all done in 1 day.  I haven't seen the sun rise in a long time.  But it all worked out well.
Unfortunately, I forgot to snap a photo in the parking lot, so you'll just have to take my word for it.

The first evening we were here, we noticed a wonderful fragrance all over the RV park during our usual walk.  We discovered an orange grove at the back of the park.

During our stay, we were able to enjoy lunch with Johnny's niece Sara Keefe.  Sara moved to West LA with her boyfriend last October.  It was so great to catch up!

We also went into Santa Monica to see Michael Kerr again.  What a great scene from the balcony of his condo!

Off to the Fairmont (across the street from Mike's) for a light lunch.  Quite the luxury!
Finally, a walk along the Palisades Park.  It's the end of Route 66, so there are a lot of memorials along the way, including this one to Will Rogers.

We made it to the famous Santa Monica Pier!

The beach, the water, the mountains.  Classic SoCal.

That evening, Mike hosted Sara, her boyfriend Isaac and us at a delicious dinner at his club, the Jonathan Club.  We missed seeing Johnny's other niece Lauren, her boyfriend Cam and Mike's niece Sarah who all live in the area.  Maybe on our next go around - ha!
The view was lovely as the sun was setting!


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