Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Webers are here!

On our way to California
Plan to be in Seattle by middle of June

Our former next door neighbors came down to Arizona to visit us on their Spring Break.  It was so great to see Kathy, Dan and kids!
We lived next door to each other for 15 years so Johnny and I have watched their children (Ryan, Caden and Jacqueline) grow up.  They are friends that are really like family.  We had a wonderful week!

Johnny and I loved Jerome so we went again and enjoyed dinner at the Haunted Hamburger.  The view was fantastic.

Ryan Weber fulfilled his goal of hugging a cactus.

We spent the next day in Sedona.  The weather was warm and the crowds were huge!  First, we went to the Chapel of the Holy Cross.  The chapel is built right into the red rock!

And they just installed a new crucifix.  It was Holy Thursday, so we were blessed to be there.

We walked through the older part of downtown Sedona.  Shopping, restaurants and tourists!
There is also cool art all over the downtown area.  I suppose that attracts the tourists, too.

Finally, we took the Cliffhanger red rock hummer tour!  It was awesome!  Right, Dan?

Our driver stopped for some really nice shots of the red rocks, so here is a shot of Cathedral Rock.

We also took our friends to the Grand Canyon - it was one looooong day.  There were 10x the number of people as there were when Johnny and and I were there the previous week, so the bus rides were long.  Nevertheless, our friends loved it.  
Jacqueline's first view of the canyon!

We hiked part of the Bright Angel Trail.  Some of us hiked 1/2 mile, some a mile.

The adults at Hermit's Rest - resting.

And we saw an elk!

You can never get too much of the G.C.

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