Saturday, September 8, 2018

Filling a Space in a Beautiful Way

Currently In: Albuquerque, NM
Next Up:  Utah National Parks

We spent some time experiencing art in Santa Fe, which is such a big part of the culture.  There is evidence of the importance of art in the sidewalks along the Plaza.  There are plaques dedicated to numerous Santa Fe artists.

Santa Fe is quite proud of its association with Georgia O'Keeffe highlighted by a Museum dedicated to her work.  Her definition of art is "filling a space in a beautiful way".   She had an extraordinary life as a female artist in the early 20th Century.

Ms. O'Keeffe and I have 3 things in common:
1. The similarity in our last names
2. Our connection to Chicago - she attended the Art Institute
3. Fascination with New Mexico Landscapes
The comparison stops there - I don't paint.  Or draw. Or sculpt.

I thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the museum.  Here are a couple of my favorite paintings.
Autumn Trees

New York City Scape

New Mexico Landscape
Georgia O'Keeffe also created her own frames.  One section of the museum allows you to take your photo in one of the frames.  Kinda fun.

Our other art experience was a tour along Canyon Road with its numerous galleries.
I couldn't get a good photo of the street due to the number of cars.  Most of the galleries and shops are located in converted homes that date back at least 100 years.   I liked the buildings in the photos below, either for the architecture or the art displayed outside.

The Tea House had a great breakfast on a lovely morning.
On the day we were to leave for Albuquerque, Johnny and I went to another museum called Meow Wolf.  It is an immersive art experience located in an old bowling alley.
I don't want to ruin it for anyone else who may be visiting this museum, so I will just share photos of the sculptures that are outside.  I would recommend it to anyone.  So cool and fun!

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