Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Peace. Love. Music.

Currently In: Albuquerque, NM - just got here today!
Up Next:  Williams, AZ on our way to Bryce and Zion National Parks

So where have the blog updates been?  Well, I blame it on these two.

John and Cara Hofmeyer, some good friends from the Chicago suburbs, visited us for a long Labor Day weekend in Santa Fe.  So fun!
Santa Fe Music Week was going on while we were there, so we took advantage of seeing some live music. First up, some country tunes with Fast Patsy at a local brewery.

Then we moved on to Cowboy BBQ where we enjoyed The Palm in the Cypress belting out some Mississippi Delta blues.

The artwork was particularly entertaining.


Saturday lunch at The Shed, an iconic New Mexican restaurant.   This woman treated us to a fabulous classical guitar .

John and I also started our own "Margarita Trail".
One night we listened to our own playlist at the RV park.
On our last night in Santa Fe, after John and Cara had gone home, we met up with Marty and Sue Ball our RV friends.  There was a Santa Fe Bluegrass Jam going on at the Sage Inn, so we listened for a bit.  I'm loving those turquoise chairs!

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