Saturday, November 17, 2018

Across the Border

Currently in:  Phoenix, AZ

Los Algodones, Mexico is just across the border and was about 30 minutes from our RV Park in Yuma.   We were told we should check it out.

I did a little internet research before we ventured into Mexico.  Americans go to Algodones for a few things.  Many older Americans go to Mexico for health care, specifically dental and vision care, due to much lower costs than in the US .  Dentist offices line the streets.  And there are people passing out business cards and drumming up business.
Along with providers, folks frequent pharmacies for cheaper drugs, usually 50-70% less expensive than in nearby Arizona or California.
 There is lots of shopping in Los Algondones, too.  Knock offs, jewelry and knick knacks are popular.
How about this marketing effort?
John Deere was one of our customers at the steel company.  This t-shirt made me laugh.
Americans also come to Los Algodones to stock the bar.  Every kind of tequila imaginable.

Eventually we stopped for lunch at this cute place with an atrium.
So now we've been to a border town!

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