Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Date Shake

Currently In:  Yuma, AZ
Next Up: Back to Phoenix for the holidays

Our first outing in Yuma was based on the recommendation of new neighbors in our 55+ RV park.  The flea market!
Rows of stalls that sold kitchen, hardware, crafts, clothes, etc.
Johnny picked up a new decoration for our coach.  Bear Down!

We spent a good part of the afternoon enjoying a beverage in the food court and listening to some country music - the classics from my childhood.
On our way back to the RV Park we decided to stop at Martha's Gardens.  It's just 5 minutes from where we are staying.
This is the garden!
The palm trees produce Medjool dates.  The date was originally imported by the US Department of Agriculture in 1927 from Morocco and began growing in this area in 1948.  We saw a short video on the growing and harvesting done at Martha's.  It is a very labor intensive process.  The dates hanging from these strands are just about ready to be picked.
 Martha's is known in the area for its delicious date shake.  Very rich!
We enjoyed our shake in this lovely garden just outside the shop.  Dinner will be late tonight, dear.

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