Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Who is Ben Avery?

Currently In: Phoenix

A few days ago we went with our friends to the Ben Avery Shooting Facility.  Our RV Park is very close to Ben Avery - we can hear the shooting just over the mountains.
Don't worry everyone - I didn't even touch a gun.  But Johnny has been quail hunting in his younger days, so he was up for some practice.  Packing up to go here.
We parked next to the area for target practice, which is what I thought the activity was.
But then I found out the idea was to shoot clay pigeons - more along the lines of hunting.  There are 15 stations to shoot clay pigeons.  You keep score by counting how many pigeons you hit.

And the list of rules.
As with many sports there is specific equipment - rifles with cases, vests for ammo, and carts to carry everything from station to station.  Or you can use one of these to haul your stuff.
The targets come out of these machines - kind of like the pitching machines used for batting practice.
A lift was used at this station so the targets fly in from up above.
The Facility also has an RV campground with full hook ups!- this outdoor stuff all fits together.
As we left Ben Avery (never did find out who he is), we were treated to some hot air balloon landings.

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