Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year Everyone!

We will be in Phoenix for 2 more weeks
Then we will be "Winter Texans" again

The last few days have been C-O-L-D here in Phoenix:  20 degrees below average for December.  I know that doesn't compare to what most of you are experiencing "out East" as they say here in Arizona.  However, when your home has no insulation and it drops to below freezing at night, you feel it.  We had all of our heaters running last night and at 7am the thermostat read 58.

Since it was raining yesterday, we just didn't feel like joining in the activities at the clubhouse, so we went to an early movie and celebrated the New Year at home, each in our special way.
Here's wishing nothing but good things for all of you in 2019!

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