Monday, January 21, 2019

Trouble comes in 3s

Currently In: Tucson
Next Up: El Paso, Alpine and Del Rios, Texas

The last few days have been interesting, to say the least.  On our drive down from Phoenix last Wednesday we noticed 2 things:

1.  The "check engine" light came on the dashboard again.  We thought we had this problem fixed in Albuquerque!
2.  Our refrigerator went off and there was a "fault - low battery" message on the inverter remote.


On Thursday we made a lot of calls setting up appointments to get these issues addressed.
Friday we took the coach over to the local Cummins Engine facility.  That meant unhooking the water, electric and sewer, bringing the satellite down, and packing up. After an hour, the Cummins people told us that the check engine light was on due to an issue with the fuel gauge - nothing with the engine. Good news - nothing was an emergency.  Bad news - we have to go to Freightliner to have them look at the gauge.

Saturday a mobile repair serviceman, Mark, came to our site to look at our coach batteries.

There was a lot of corrosion around the connections.  Since we were going to have the batteries replaced before we sell anyway, we are just doing it a bit early and hope that solves our issue.  Today we are buying the batteries and hope to have Mark install them this afternoon.

Late Saturday afternoon we noticed that our refrigerator and freezer temperatures were dropping.  Trouble really does come in 3s.  Although the temps were back to normal Sunday morning, the yo-yo continued all day yesterday.  Mark told us this morning that the temperature control was powered by the batteries.  We think the refrigerator issue will be resolved with new batteries.  Keep your fingers crossed!

Luckily we saw a lot of what Tucson has to offer when we were here last Spring.  But my plans to visit the small towns around Tucson are on hold until we get all of this fixed.  

We've had the opportunity to meet and visit with several people in the RV Park which has been a nice distraction.  And we watched the Super Blood Wolf Moon right out our front window last night!

The adventure continues....

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