Monday, March 4, 2019

No worries - Austin is still Weird

Leaving Austin today and driving to Stonewall, TX
We have couple more stops in Texas before we start our extended ride to Sweet Home Chicago!

Although we were in Austin last year, we made a quick stop here again on our way to the Texas Hill Country.  Keep Austin Weird is their tag line.
But before we enjoyed Austin, we had to make a 30 minute drive south for some Lockhart bbq.
Smitty's was starting to get busy!
Topped it off with a Big Red float.

That night we enjoyed a hilarious performance of Esther's Follies with Tim and Jenny.  It's a series of skits poking fun at politics and pop culture.
Even the lobby was beautiful and fascinating.
When the show was over, we took a walk along the famous 6th street in Austin.

The street is blocked off and turned into a pedestrian mall at night so the crowds can walk in the street.

And if we are out with Tim and Jenny Schroeder, we're drinking some Lone Star.
The following day Johnny and I returned to 6th street to experience the night life a little more in depth.
First we stopped at the historic Driskill Hotel opened in 1886 by Jesse Driskill, a cattle barron.  It has a long and storied history of gain and loss.  Hyatt Hotels is the current owner.

The lobby is stunning.
We had a drink in the very crowded bar at the Driskill before we moved on to the Firehouse Hostel.
You pull the handle on the left of the bookcase and pull to walk into the bar.
A cute little place that looks like a speakeasy.
You can't visit a city with Johnny and not check out the local Irish bar.  In Austin's case, it is B. D. Riley's.  The music was country as well as Irish, including Whiskey in the Jar!  Ho!
Our next stop was a hidden bar called the Floppy Disk Repair Company.  Our friends Sue and Marty told us about it.
We were supposed to get a password from any local bartender, but we forgot.  So Johnny had to tell a joke to get us in.  The Monkey Joke, obviously.
The bar was so interesting - those folks are sitting on swings, and there are busts of Pronghorn on the ceiling in the back.  Fun!
We wanted to go to the Garage bar, located in the middle of a public parking garage, but the line was long and it was cold.  So we took a quick look and headed for donuts instead.
I got this final shot of the State Capitol on the way back to the car.  We were able to see a part of Austin that we didn't see the first time!

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