Sunday, March 10, 2019

Record setting cold (almost)

Currently In: Stonewall, TX
Heading to Glen Rose, TX tomorrow as we start our final journey home

The day we arrived in Stonewall, TX last week a cold front was moving in.  The overnight low last Tuesday (24 F) was within 1 degree of setting a record for low temperature.  We were ready though!  We turned off our external water hose, put a heat light next to our fresh water tank, ran our heat (which warms the "basement), and set up our space heaters.  We survived.
The cold did not stop us from having a traditional German dinner in nearby Fredericksburg with our friends Tim and Jenny.  The restaurant reminded me of Milwaukee, WI area.  With a Texas accent!

I loved the German clocks on the wall.
The next day we visited Old Tunnel State Park in the Hill Country.  In 1913 local citizens raised funds to build a railroad linking Fredericksburg to San Antonio.  A 920 foot tunnel needed to be dug in a hill to complete the railroad and improving the trade route.  The railroad operated until 1942 when the tracks were sold for scrap to support the war effort.
The landscape in this area was beautiful.  There are several hiking trails in the State Park now.
A new tree! I hadn't seen a Texas Redbud before.
On our drive back to Fredericksburg, we saw the Hohenberger Family Farmstead which dates back to 1871.  Its simplicity spoke to all the hardworking German immigrants who settled in this area.

By this time we were ready to sample some of the famous Texas Hill Country Wineries.  There are 73 wineries in the Fredericksburg area!  We stopped at on the of larger wineries on Route 290 called Becker.  The buildings are reminiscent of the limestone which is local and very common in this area.
The cabin on the left is original to the property, but the larger building in the back is a special events room.  Many of these wineries like the symbol of the windmill you see on the right.
The tasting room is quite sophisticated.
It was just the first of several breweries and wineries we sampled during the week!

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