Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Waylon, Willie and the boys

Currently In:  Glen Rose, TX
Heading to Arkansas next

Certainly a highlight of our stay in the Hill Country was a couple of evenings in Luckenbach, Texas made famous in the country music song.
We liked it so much we went twice!  First with Tim and Jenny where we saw a chicken in the bar!

The music was sweet.  Notice the Luckenbach Population is 3.

The proverbial good time was had by all.
Johnny and I returned another (warmer) night.  Another band.
Folks enjoying the music which is in back of the bar.
The food stand.
They are ready for the Irish National Holiday.
And the Dance Hall.  We saw a really good band there later that evening.

That's all there is to the whole town!  Really fun.

Earlier in the day we hiked (really?) at Enchanted Rock.  It was just 20 minutes from our RV park.
Yep, we're climbing to the top of that hill.
A wonderful rock formation on the way.
It's getting steep!
Saw some tide pools along the way.
Made it to the top!

Beautiful views of rocks and the Hill Country.

And a green patch with some ferns!
We were told that the Texas State Park system is wonderful.  And this park showed that it is unique.

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